What is a Smokeless Biochar Kilns?

The Smokeless Biochar Kiln is a product made from a stainless steel plate processed into a conical shape.
Burning dried branches and bamboo in a Smokeless Biochar Kiln, anyone can easily produce a large amount of biochar in a short time.
This product makes it easy for anyone to dispose of prunings in wineries and Kleingarten (citizen's vegetable gardens).
It's a product that has been gaining attention in Japan in recent years.
The key point is the unique shape
This uses the ancient fire cap method, but the efficiency is on a whole new level.

When the Smokeless Biochar Kilns is heated, a "convection current" is created, a flow of air that draws in from the outside to the inside.
Smoke is drawn into this air flow and secondary combustion occurs, so little smoke is produced.

How to use
Carbonization started
During carbonization
Final carbonization phase
Fire extinguishing
Carbonization completed
User voice
Burning pruning branches in a short time makes the work easier
Tomioka Wine Domaine
Smokeless Biochar Kilns are indispensable to our agriculture
Kin-Chan Farm